It's a November Monday, generally hermit season. Good time to get some extra hours at work, in the garage, or finish off a bottle of Tennessee whiskey. Really though, maybe all of that.
It seems, besides-the-obvious that things have been beginning to fray around here.. I'm not sure what the pursuit is about sometimes, these old machines or cave-people weekends out there. The mindset is right though, escape while you can. But with age everything gets thrown in the rock tumbler and all the old hard edges chip off revealing some sort of smoothed edges, a palatable version.
There is nothing appealing to me about a large city in 2021. So many of us wait contemplating what to do next...
In an attempt to revive this old fashioned fervor; I've begun to crack into years of neglected film. Hopefully sparking something, somewhere, even if it's an "oh, yea, that".